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We have developed the MoveQ Intelligence Model to highlight the complexity of movement and motor learning.


Click on the Interactive Model - IQ, SQ, FQ, EQ, MQ and ENVIRONMENT and/or read the more detailed explanation underneath


Tap on the graphic elements below and interact with the MoveQ Intelligence Model.

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We have developed the MoveQ Intelligence Model to highlight the complexity of movement and motor learning. Our model illustrates that (learning and) movement cannot and must not be regarded as separate from a series of important factors both body-related and environmental.

We assume that in addition to the well-known Intelligence Quotient (IQ), a person has a number of other important ‘intelligences’ as is substantiated by Howard Gardner in his books on 'multiple intelligence' (see Selected sources, below). Gardner holds that people acquire knowledge in different ways and names them as 'intelligences' (when they meet certain criteria).


Based on his theory and various other areas of (scientific) knowledge, we have chosen to refer to five intelligence quotients for our MoveQ Intelligence Model. These are depicted in the form of three rings / dimensions that interact with each other and with the environment.



Our actions are guided by our passion for movement as well as by the increasing experiential and scientific knowledge about how humans act and function from a multitude of sources (e.g. Sport and Movement Sciences, Biomechanics, Anatomy, Physiology, Training, Psychology, Sociology, Leadership, Education, etc.)

The following is a brief explanation of the Model, how it was created and a concise introduction to the theory behind it. The selected sources listed below are primarily intended for those who wish to further explore the (theoretical) background.


MoveQ Intelligence Model


We have developed the MoveQ Intelligence Model to highlight the complexity of movement and motor learning. Our model illustrates that (learning and) movement cannot and must not be regarded as separate from a series of important factors both body-related and environmental.

We assume that in addition to the well-known Intelligence Quotient (IQ), a person has a number of other important ‘intelligences’ as is substantiated by Howard Gardner in his books on 'multiple intelligence' (see Selected sources, below). Gardner holds that people acquire knowledge in different ways and names them as 'intelligences' (when they meet certain criteria).


Based on his theory and various other areas of (scientific) knowledge, we have chosen to refer to five intelligence quotients for our MoveQ Intelligence Model. These are depicted in the form of three rings / dimensions that interact with each other and with the environment.


The Movement Quotient (MQ) is central to our Model and forms the innermost ring. Click on MQ to show the aspects we associate with this element.

In our view, the MQ is strongly influenced by four body-related factors or intelligence quotients that form the second ring / dimension: (1) an Intelligence Quotient (IQ) that relates to our brain, (2) a Spiritual Quotient (SQ) which says something about our soul, (3) an Emotional Quotient (EQ) that refers to our heart/emotions and (4) a Physical Quotient (FQ) related to our body. Click on either element to show the aspects we associate with this element.

The third ring / dimension is formed by the relevant environmental factors with issues such as space, time, people involved and movement tasks / challenges that have a major influence on the other two rings / dimensions. Click on 'Environment' to show the most relevant aspects. The arrows indicate dynamic processes and continuous interactions amongst the different quotients and with the environment.


Take a broader look at our world: everybody (including athletes) requires a healthy environment  to stay healthy and function at their best. This is our way to make a modest social contribution to a better and cleaner planet, be it individually or as the Foundation.


Some pillars / principles of our total concept are:


- 3D Functional Training: bringing the body into the desired condition using functional movement on three planes. As a result, you’ll develop movement skills that contribute to your quality of life, improve performance and help prevent injuries.

More background information can be found on the website of the well-known Gray Institute (, an authority in the field of Applied Functional Science, and in Peter Beek's publications on motor learning and technique training (2011). The books of B. Cranenburgh / Th. Mulder (2016) and Irmgard Bartennieff with Doris Lewis (2013) also provide in-depth understanding of motor learning and the influence of the environment on motor learning (see Selected sources, below).


- Developmental, competence and person-oriented learning: modern educational concepts that consciously respond to new forms of learning (intelligences) and seeing the person as one whole. Learning is considered a social process. Important aspects of this understanding are learning from and with each other and (co-)creating. We are convinced that everyone, young and old and with their own potentials, can learn to further develop his or her movements and thereby also grow as a person (identity).

The Gardner books provide background information on multiple intelligence, as do a large number of publications in the field of educational innovation, such as the book by Korthagen and Lagerwerf 'Learning from the inside' (2008).


- Effective (personal) leadership.

The theories described in 'Learning from within' closely match the Covey’s views on effective leadership (see Selected sources, below).

Covey explains that a person has a number of dynamic properties and dimensions that have the potential to be developed further. His theory also indicates that our brain, soul, heart and body are inextricably connected both to each other and to the world surrounding us.

It goes without saying that our holistic philosophy has strongly influenced the choices we make regarding the learning environment, our tone and feedback, our teaching methods, materials and the guidance throughout the entire process.

More information about our offer and this type of business can be found under 'Services'.




In the first instance, we use the (theoretical) Model we have developed to regularly test and evaluate our own practice. Continuous reflection on the entire process allows us to guarantee the quality of our product. This also enables us to better communicate our holistic philosophy and working methods to all target groups / stakeholders.



Some sources

  • Beek, P.J. (2011) . Nieuwe, praktisch relevante inzichten in techniektraining. Artikelenreeks (4 delen) in Sportgericht  2011

  • Cranenburgh B. van, Mulder Th. (2016). Van contractie naar actie (2e druk). Bohn, Stafleu en van Loghum

  • Covey, S.R. (2005) The seven qualities of effective leadership. Business Contact

  • Covey, S.R. (2005). The 8th property. Business Contact

  • Gardner, H. (1983). Frames of Mind; The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, New York: Basic Books

  • Gardner, H. (1993) Multiple Intelligences, New York: Basic Books

  • Gray Institute. ‘Applied Functional Science’. Website: (

  • Korthagen, F. en Lagerwerf, B. (2008). Leren van binnenuit. Uitgeverij Nelissen/Soest

  • Irmgard Bartenieff and Doris Lewis, (2013) Body Movement: Coping with the Environment, Routledge


Unfortunately, some of the Dutch books are not yet available in English. Our complete MoveQ list of sources covers more than 300 book titles and more than 1000 scientific articles. Looking for a book recommendation? Send us a mail.





MoveQ Foundation 

Houtlaan 171

3016 DA Rotterdam

The Netherlands
Mobile +31 6 248 41114

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